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Are you a teacher/school head going for a meeting or seminar out of town? Or there’s work to be done in school yet you’re scheduled for a lengthy stay outside school? A tough place to be in for sure, unless you have SkooLite software. The software takes care of all the important details and works in such a way so as to give everyone involved an easy time. The benefits are enjoyed from the very top of management i.e. the head teacher/principal all the way down to the student. The management system gives priority to the user types listed below.

  • The head teacher/ Principal
  • School directors
  • School administrator
  • Teachers
  • parents
  • students
  • Non-teaching staff 

Their roles are clearly defined and stipulated with the system designed to reduce the workload on the different stakeholders in the school. The same is true for the head teacher/principal who can monitor the school’s activities with access given to all areas including teacher performance, student’s progress and all other departments of the school including school calendar and timetables. This makes it easier for the head teacher to manage and control the school’s activities and resources in order to achieve the set objectives.

The teacher gets access to all the students’ records which is helpful in organizing and analyzing student performance. The system conducts student’s attendance daily and maintains the monthly/yearly attendance record. Complete students and teachers attendance details are stored in the database so finding the attendance record is not difficult. This makes it easy for the head to monitor the school’s activities.

The use of electronic messages and reminders ensures that information can be passed around to all other users. Notices regarding latest events, fee updates, examinations, co-curricular activities can all be spread through the SkooLite software making it convenient for many different situations.

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